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“Hey Alexa, unlock the door.”  

The Smart Lock or Smart Lock Pro by August is an option for individuals with dexterity issues and or hand tremors that make locking and unlocking a door with a traditional key an ordeal.  (Or even for those of us who try to carry in every grocery bag in one trip…)Large silver lock

These devices by August allows you to easily install this smart lock system to the inside of your door – so the existing outside lock and the internal mechanism remain intact, so you can still use the good old fashioned keys, if you like.  On the inside of the door a smart locking system will now allow the user to lock and unlock the door with the smart phone app or using Voice Control via Siri, Amazon’s Alexa or even Google Home.  The smart lock allows the homeowner to lock and unlock the door remotely.  One of the most practical features is the secure auto-unlock and auto-lock feature that works if you elect that option – based on your proximity to the door it will unlock or lock based on your specific preference.   

To learn more about the smart lock and how it can help, click here.

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