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The Escape of Gaming

This week’s blog post is focused on my favorite pastime –gaming and in particular accessible gaming.  A great article was written by the folks from the Washington Post which highlights the benefits of gaming for those with disabilities.  Here at MDTAP, we also love some gaming and we are hoping to have another accessible gaming night in 2020 after the success of our first gaming night during this past summer!

Young man in wheelchair playing video game connected to tv on wall. Black background with flowers and cat in two windows.

A beautiful illustration by Matt Saunders of the Washington Post (we do not own the rights to this image but we love Matt’s work)


One very powerful platform that was highlighted in the article was streaming and how streaming video gaming seems to aid with social inclusion.  Many streamers who have massive followings on streaming platforms are in fact individuals with disabilities. 

I hope you all enjoyed this article as much as I did.  Our friends at AbleGamers were again highlighted for their fantastic work!  They do so much wonderful work locally and nationally in the support of inclusive gaming. 

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