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The HSC Foundation’s  ADA Program is seeking the next generation of disability advocates! Young leaders with a disability are encouraged to apply for up to $10,000 in funding

The Advocates in Disability Award (ADA) program awards and encourages a young adult with a disability between the ages of 14 and 26 who is dedicated to positively affecting the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families. The program also supports an innovative project developed by the recipient to serve and empower individuals with disabilities.

Funded by both The HSC Foundation and the Sarah Beth Coyote Foundation, the selected recipient is awarded $3,000 in recognition of his or her disability advocacy and will receive up to an additional $7,000 in funding support for a project to benefit the disability community. Applicants must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States at the time of application submission and recipient selection.

The Advocates in Disability Award Program is part of The HSC Foundation’s National Youth Transitions Initiative.

To apply, go to: www.hscfoundation.org/2014ADA.php.

Applications must be received by April 11, 2014 (by 5:00pm ET).

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