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One ring reads text aloud, another ring turns your hand into a gesture interface. And while all that is happening, your shoes will tie themselves. Yup, the future is downright amazing. And happening right now.

AT in the news for the week of 2/17 thru 2/21

Google unveils smartphone with 3D sensors

New caption rules from the FCC

A Tablet App from Invention Labs Helps Kids with Speech Disabilities

Accessible Apps

Text-scanning ring reads books aloud to the visually impaired and blind

How can technology expand human rights for people with disabilities?

Wearable Ring Make your Palm as Numeric Keypad and Gesture Interface

Walker with Kinect Sensor Helps Seniors to Prevent Accidents

Wearable Technology as a Human Right

Top Five Teams to Showcase Original Inventions at 12th Annual National AbilityOne Design Challenge

Startup of the week / Sesame Enable: Touch screens for the disabled

uStore app assists senior citizens in everything from scheduling medical visits to tech support

Technology helps families cope with challenges of dementia

Mobile Apps for the Disabled

RoboCop prototype helps disabled police, military

Google Glass: What is it good for?

Awesome possibility for people with fine motor impairments – Nike Designer Says Marty McFly’s Power Laces Are Coming

Boy With No Friends Scores Over A Million ‘Likes’


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