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Hello, Andrew here!  I am the newest member of the MDTAP Assistive Technology team and this is my first of many blog posts!  

mATchup - Maryland Assistive Technology Connection Hub

I would like to introduce you all to a very cool (and free) resource that can assist with the assistive technology consideration process.  The resource is called mATchup and is a web-based tool that was created by the Johns Hopkins Center for Technology in Education (CTE). mATchup allows the respective user to select an area of need e.g. writing and then a range of potential  high tech and low tech solutions are presented. The tool categorizes the potential area of need into eight areas: Academic; Writing, Auditory; Organization; Vision; Communication; Seating & Positioning and mobility; and Independent living.  All of the aforementioned categories reference tools, devices, apps, and other solutions that would aid the respective end user with their specific area of need. Personally, I can see mATchup being a great resource for families learning about the AT consideration process for a child with a disability or as a guiding tool for school team without an assistive technology specialist on staff!  Remember to like this post and share it with your friends!


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