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This well-rated app is worth trying out, especially because it’s FREE! Color Blind Pal helps people who are color blind see the colors around them. It also lets people with normal vision see what it’s like to be color blind.

Want to know what color something is? Now you don’t need to ask a friend – just open the Color Inspector to get a descriptive name, like “bold brown.”

Want to see all colors more clearly? Use the Color Filter to shift colors that are hard to distinguish toward colors that you can easily distinguish. It’ll be as easy for you to spot an orange pumpkin in a green field as it is for everyone else. Or, do you have normal color vision and want to know what someone who’s color blind sees? The Color Filter can also simulate any type of color blindness. Open the preferences (with the ⓘ button) to select your color blindness type.

Press “Inspecting Color” or “Filtering Colors” to switch between the two modes.

Simply open the app and point your device’s camera at what you want to see!

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