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Exoskeletons have been making waves for the past few years, but with recent advancements in materials, access, and funding, they just might be the wave of the future for many individuals with physical disabilities. Check it all out right here – AT in the news for the week of 6/27 thru 7/1

The Tech Industry Is in Desperate Need of an Accessibility Upgrade

A cool way to get assistive technology into the spotlight! Now Casting: Designers, Engineers, Inventors and…

Cell Phones, Tablets, and Other Mobile Technology for people with vision loss

The 4 Key Players on a Corporate Web Accessibility Team [BLOG]

Researchers Design Exoskeleton to Help SMA Kids Walk, Some for First Time

Why People Abandon High-Tech Prosthetics

Electrostatic sheets promise super-light exoskeletons

Rethinking teacher training in the digital age

MSFT Research moves beyond the keyboard and mouse and shows talking with your hands

Pill-dispensing “robot” knows who you are

The Remarkable Tech Bringing the Deaf and Hearing Worlds Together

[Video] Disability-driven design benefits our org’s growth & innovation
How your phone’s camera could help detect a rare cancer in kids

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