Using Your Mobile Device During Emergencies
Contributed by Provi Sharpe, Director of Emergency Management and Equipment Reuse, MDTAP
June Isaacson Kailes, Disability Policy Consultant, recently released ”Tips for Emergency Use of Mobile Devices”. In this document she provides guidelines for optimal use of mobile devices before, during, and after an emergency. You will get information on how to program a list of emergency phone numbers in your device; how to enable your device to receive emergency alerts. Know how to send text messages. Know how to use the camera and how to send pictures and videos. Learn how to store important documents in “the Cloud” which can be accessed by any mobile device or computer (especially important if your device stops working.) Learn about evaluating and using emergency apps that make sense for you. Get information about getting a power back-up system for your device. Learn how to bookmark emergency resource mobile sites for quick access. Learn how to prepare a “No Service” backup plan. Get information on how to conduct personal skill drills periodically to refresh your use skills for methods you don’t often use. Learn how to update apps, group lists and your devices’ operating system periodically to insure they will work when needed.
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