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A smart scarf that reads emotions, an ibrailler app (to start brailling on the iPad), prosthetics with a sense of touch, and much more. The future of human-centered technology is big and bright! Get a glimpse of some of it right here – AT in the news for the week of 1/19 thru 1/23

A Blind Woman Gains New Freedom, Click By Click By Click

Students AT designers! RESNA’s annual design competition is open for registration; cash prizes and more!

Maps That You Can Hear and Touch

How accessible is the Internet?

Microsoft shows off smart scarf prototype for people with disabilities

Autism Tracking Device Proposal Gets Renewed Push

Aren’t there more important things to worry about than the words we use? An essay on ableist language.

Google adds screen reader support to Docs, Sheets and Slides apps

Knowbility’s Community Heroes of Accessibility Nominations Announced

New ibrailler app turns iPad touchscreen into braillewriter

Want to invent the next big thing? Think like a kid.

New technology allows disabled children to make music using their EYES

12 Israeli Technologies Changing the Lives of the Disabled in 2015

Japanese robot a tireless aid in dementia care

Sightless get written word from new phone app

Making the Grade: Reading becomes a joy for special-needs students

New prosthetics create a genuine sense of touch to function

At 90, She’s Designing Tech For Aging Boomers


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