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Where To Go:  A Directory of Airport Animal Relief Areas

This is a very straightforward app which gives a short description of how to find the animal relief areas for many North American airports. After installation, the icon is titled “Service Animal.”  At start-up, a series of buttons are presented, the second one from the top, “Dog Relief Areas,” shows an alphabetical list of Airports.  The city, name of airport and airport code are listed.

The “Where To Go” button functions fairly well using VoiceOver, though there are a couple of accessibility issues. The airport list is scrollable by flicking or with the 3-finger scrolling gesture.  This is not the typical iOS interface  for this sort of information, and hence, the “table index”portion of the control is not available. This sounds like a minor accessibility issue, but scrolling to the listings under the letter O can be tedious.  The app appears to be otherwise accessible; however, the FAQ section fails to read properly and getting the “Back” button to respond is difficult.

This is a free app which was tested using an iPhone 4, running iOS 5.1.  The iTunes store link is:


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