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The Georgia Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, a non-profit organization, is pleased to announce its first biannual DEAFestival to be held at the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf on April 1, 2023, during National Deaf History Month.

The goal of the DEAFestival is to celebrate, promote & preserve Deaf History Month through art, culture, and history. 

Consider taking advantage of this opportunity to reach the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, Parents of Deaf Children, Interpreters, ASL students, and more. Becoming an Exhibitor of the DEAFestival is the best opportunity to showcase your products and services. Please see below link for details on requesting an Exhibit table or becoming a Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze Sponsor (see attachment). 

Thank you in advance for considering being a part of the DEAFestival. Find more information on the website.

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