With the holidays fast approaching, we know it can be stressful to shop for loved ones and coworkers.
But we have great news: The Arc’s new online store has tons of great items that would make the perfect gift!
Browse the catalogue to see an exciting lineup of items, including clothing and accessories that showcase The Arc and its mission of inclusion for all.
The store ships straight to your door and directly helps support The Arc’s advocacy and the resources they create throughout the year to help educate people with disabilities, their families, professionals, and allies on disability issues. Make sure to buy any items before December 4 to get your items before the holidays.
Help continue to protect and improve disability rights and shop with The Arc this season of giving!
PS: Did you know you can also support The Arc at zero additional cost when doing your other shopping on Amazon, during the holidays and all year long? Simply select The Arc as your Amazon Smile organization and shop just like you normally would. That’s it!