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About 2.4 percent of Americans have a visual disability, according to the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). This rate may be much higher when you include people that are not necessarily blind but have a vision issue.

The 2018 National Health Interview Survey found through estimating that more than 32 million adults nationwide have reported having some degree of vision loss. This figure includes people that cannot see at all and others that experience blurred vision despite using therapeutic eyewear.

The challenge for the millions of people with a visual impairment is how they can effectively use the internet for e-learning, shopping, remote working, business, and other key aspects of their everyday living.

So it’s clear that optimal web accessibility for many of them is vital for everyday life.

friends at computer

View full article here for the following sections:

-What are Web Content Accessibility Guidelines?
-Vision Conditions That Cause People to Struggle
-What Makes the Internet Challenging?
-Tips for Easier Browsing
-Accessories That Can Help
-Why It Matters
-How to Make Things More Accessible
-Moving Forward

Article contributed by myvision.org

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