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If you are a braille transcriber or braillist who prepares textbooks and/or supports K12 students in the classroom, you are invited to participate in an interview or focus group to share your experiences and beliefs. The study is being conducted by Vision for Independence, LLC to inform the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) about the current level of accessibility of digital instructional materials in K-12, the experiences of students who are visually impaired or print disabled when using these materials, and the challenges involved in making materials accessible to all students. If interested in participating, please go to https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2t6ovViIhC2lWOq. Participants will receive a $25 gift card. For more information email Dr. L. Penny Rosenblum at rosenblu@email.arizona.edu.



If you are a teacher of students with visual impairments who works with students in K-12 who use digital instructional materials, you are invited to participate in an interview or focus group to share your experiences and beliefs. The study is being conducted by Vision for Independence, LLC to inform the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) about the current level of accessibility of digital instructional materials in K-12, the experiences of students who are visually impaired or print disabled when using these materials, and the challenges involved in making materials accessible to all students. If interested in participating, please go to https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2t6ovViIhC2lWOq. Participants will receive a $25 gift card. For more information email Dr. L. Penny Rosenblum at rosenblu@email.arizona.edu.



If you are a special education teacher who works with students in K-12 who use digital instructional materials, you are invited to participate in an interview or focus group to share your experiences and beliefs. The study is being conducted by Vision for Independence, LLC to inform the National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) about the current level of accessibility of digital instructional materials in K-12, the experiences of students who are print disabled when using these materials, and the challenges involved in making materials accessible to all students. If interested in participating, please go to https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2t6ovViIhC2lWOq. Participants will receive a $25 gift card. For more information email Dr. L. Penny Rosenblum at rosenblu@email.arizona.edu.


CLICK HERE for a PDF with additional info


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