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Learn to make and share graphs, maps, charts, icons, and more using a range of accessible tactile formats in the next boutique from the National Federation of the Blind. Tactile graphics are a critical component of information literacy for blind and low-vision people from early education to the workplace and everyday life. Join the National Federation of the Blind Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Accessibility on Tuesday, November 30, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m., Eastern, to learn the basics of tactile graphics creation and why it matters. Topics to be covered include:

  • High and low-tech approaches: What are accessible drawing tools, embossers, swellform and thermoform machines? How does 3D printing fit in? What expense, benefits, and limitations come with each format?
  • What makes a tactile graphic meaningful, legible, and effective?
  • Which approaches to graphics creation are most accessible to blind people?

The NFB looks forward to bringing together blind professionals interested in creating tactile graphics, teachers of blind students, and colleagues, family members, and other allies of blind people for a lively exploration of tactile graphics, why they matter, and how to widen their adoption and availability.

This boutique is presented by the National Federation of the Blind’s Center for Excellence in Nonvisual Access in collaboration with Chancey Fleet. Chancey is president of the NFB’s Assistive Technology Trainers’ Division and directs the New York Public Library’s Dimensions Lab, a free and open community space where blind and sighted people can come to access skill-building workshops, equipment, and mentorship for creating tactile graphics and 3D models.

Register Now for Creating and Using Tactile Graphics!

One Response to “Creating and Using Tactile Graphics”

  1. Chelsea says:

    I have a prior commitment on the day that this seminar is going to be recorded. Is there anyway to listen to it after the fact?

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