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Join the Maryland AT Program for the second webinar in our webinar series focused on assistive technology in the workplace for seniors and people with disabilities!

This series will focus on a range of topics from AT integration (types of AT, how to use it, and when) to understanding the laws surrounding AT and Aging, how to receive AT services, and when to refer someone for AT services to improve workplace independence. You’ll learn about resources, referral processes, and AT services to improve employment outcomes. This session will also include a basic overview of AT that can be integrated at work and home.

June 16, 2021 @ 1pm EST

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MDTAP | 2301 Argonne Drive, Room T17 Baltimore, Maryland 21218| Voice: 410-554-9230 Toll Free ⁄ Voice 1-800-832-4827|Email: mdtap@mdtap.org