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Black turtleneck long sleeve shirt with gray patches and lines on it. 4 patches are illuminated.

This week I wanted to share out a product from my home (the United Kingdom).  The Sound Shirt is a wearable haptic device that has been designed for deaf and hard of hearing people to feel the music.  The device is made by Cute Circuit based in London. This particular shirt features 30 micro-actuators embedded in the shirt and these sensors translate the sound in real-time, tactually based on the unique to each piece of music being performed.   

Woman wearing blue long sleeve shirt with lighter blue lines running on sleeves and body.

To learn more about the sound shirt please click the next link.  https://www.designboom.com/technology/cute-circuit-deaf-people-feel-music-skin-soundshirt-haptic-sensors-10-04-2019/


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