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Contributed by Erin Swann, ATP

Voice banking is a method for people to use their spoken voice to create a digital voice that can be used in a communication device or app.  This process is especially useful for someone who may lose the ability to speak through a progressive disease, such as ALS.

While communication devices have natural sounding digital voices that speak for those who need them, some people prefer to have their communication device sound more like their own personal voice vs. the standard voice that comes with the device.

There are several companies that offer options for voice banking, and a few of them are listed below.  If you or someone you know may lose the ability to speak, it’s best to start the voice banking process as soon as possible before the voice starts to change.

Do you have experience with voice banking?  Share your experience in the comments below!



Message Banking – Windows app





2 Responses to “Resources: Voice Banking”

  1. You shared a brilliant information that is very helpful and useful to everyone who needs this kind of assistance to get. Thank you for the great tips you shared I am very happy reading this topic.

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