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I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that college kids take the prize when it comes to ingenuity, energy and the drive to design assistive technology. Whether they’re designing for class or just because, they’re laying the foundation for big developments in the world of assistive technology. Check it all out in this week’s AT News Wrap Up.

Disabled entrepreneurs are facing ‘too many barriers’

TCN’s Assistive Technology Helps Junior Blind of America Students Gain Contact

Understanding the user is 1st step in designing for accessibility

At Rutgers University, Big Moves To Employ, House Adults With Autism

The HackADay prize crowns a winner with gaze controlled wheelchair!

Eleven CU-Boulder faculty, staff teams offered entrepreneurship awards

State CIOs Push for Government Services Accessibility

Helping Hand – Robots and video games help stroke survivors

Society Benefits When Everyone Can Participate

Programmable Electronic Glasses Treat Lazy Eye in Children

Eyefluence raises $14M for eye-popping eye-tracking technology for VR

Sonar Smart-Bracelet From Sunu Provides Independence for the Blind and Visually Impaired

10 Essential Tech Tools for Older Adults

Microsoft and IBM collaborate on accessible Office assessments

7 Google extensions & apps for people with learning disabilities

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