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Crime Prevention Tips for People with Disabilities

Contributed by Provi Sharpe, Director of Reuse Projects and Emergency Management, MDTAP

People with disabilities can protect themselves. It’s especially important to take common sense safety precautions to reduce vulnerability. The following safety tips will be helpful to you.

Whenever possible, travel with someone you know. There’s strength in numbers. Have a plan for what you will do if confronted. Avoid places or situations that put you at risk, such as dark alleys and unlit parking lots. If you use a wheelchair or other adaptive device, keep money and personal items hidden from view, but easily accessible to you. Use a fanny pack or pocket attached to the wheelchair arm. Have emergency phone numbers and a means of contacting emergency assistance available and accessible to you at all times. Plan an escape route from each room in your residence to use in case of emergency. Make sure doors have peepholes or viewing areas at a level that allows you to view visitors. Put good locks on all your doors and windows. And, never open the door for a stranger.

For more details on these and other safety tips, visit our Emergency Preparedness and AT webpage.

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