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With the ADA marking its 25th anniversary and President Obama signing the Steve Gleason Act into law, it’s been quite a week for the nation. Let this week’s AT news articles reflect how far we’ve come in 25 years of this landmark civil rights legislation. AT in the news for 7/25 thru 7/31.

New Tactile Braille Tablet on PC Platform

Real-life R2-D2 to help disabled people

Scope and Virgin Media announce £1m technology partnership

Tech’s Next Frontier: Removing Barriers for Disabled People

Amplifying the Power of the Elderly with 3D Printed Assistive Technologies

President signs Steve Gleason Act into law

Accessible IT, assistive technology and working with a disability in tech

BizzBook Unveils New Tech at SXSW that Allows Deaf People to Talk Directly with Local Businesses

In 25 years, ADA broke down barriers for the disabled, but the workplace is the next frontier

How A Simple Apple Feature Called Switch Control Is Changing Lives

Lego Makes Everything Better—Even a Prosthetic for Kids

IBM Announces New Accessibility Compliance System; Collaboration with Freedom Scientific

A Smartwatch With Braille For The Visually Impaired

Windows 10 Rises

A New Symbol of Accessibility

New $10 3D printed foot prosthetics improve stability and gait as children grow

Stratasys Collaborates with the VA’s Innovation Creation Series Event

Key Fund investment to develop app for disabled

How the Americans With Disabilities Act Helps the Able-Bodied

The man who hears color

25 years on, celebrating ADA’s advances while facing stubborn barriers

From Canes To Closures, Designing With Style For People With Disabilities

Silicon Valley vows to improve tech for people with disabilities

AT&T awards $100K for tech to help people with disabilities

3 lessons from developers who have embraced assistive technology

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