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According to the stories below, you can control your TV with your mind, control your limbs with a computer, and “see” with your tongue…#justsayin. AT in the news for the week of 6/15 thru 6/19

BJOY Ring | Wheelchair’s Joystick into Your Mouse

FDA approves device to help people with vision disabilities see by using their tongues

Apple launches “Popular Apps Optimized for VoiceOver” section in the App Store

BBC technology lets people change channel with their mind

WWDC Puts Accessibility On The Radar For Developers

Revolutionary new computer-controlled prosthetic leg launched

This new remote is helping blind people watch cable

Smart Device Access for Those Who Can’t Touch

IoT enabled diapers, Myoelectric limbs and amputee rehabilitation through gaming

Blind students’ lawsuit leads to big changes at N.J. county college

New Video Game Accessibility Requirements Starting in October

The ABLE Act for Funding AT

Meet Canute, a Multiline Braille Display for the Masses that’s Being Tested Now

Students from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology & Zurich U of A designed a wheelchair that can climb stairs

Headband Helps Parkinson’s Patients Self-Treat Symptoms at Home

Firm develops speech to tactile solution for people with hearing disabilities

A New ‘3D Hand’ Improves Life of Disfigured Man From Guatemala

The VoiceDream App text-to-speech reader to appear for Android in August

This wheelchair climbs stairs like a boss

Purdue teaches people with disabilities how to fly; plans for expansion

Prosthetic hands created with 3D-printer

Farmers with prosthetics face durability challenges

Science Fair Winner Designs Device To Cut Virus Spread On Planes

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