Ever wonder which devices might be helpful for someone with dementia? Or apps that could help a kid communicate about pain levels? Or maybe what movies you can stream with audio description? Answers to all of these and more are covered in this week’s AT News Wrap Up (for 4/20 – 4/24). Check it out!
New techniques for eye-gaze tracking could change computer interaction
Assistive Technology for People with Hearing Impairment
From braille to iPad: a new app enables the blind to learn
It Hurts! Pain Management Apps for Children
App opens up smartphone use for people with arm paralysis
Virtual to reality video games to help teach disabled children cognitive skills
Netflix adds descriptive audio tracks for visually impaired, starting with Daredevil
Self-Lacing Shoe Setbacks Taken in Stride
Program Looks To Turn People With Disabilities Into Entrepreneurs
Improving Accessibility of Government Websites
Judge rules that blind passengers can sue Uber for discrimination
Which? reviews assistive technology gadgets for dementia and falls
VisiTalks: A Great Tool For Communication Between Deaf And Hearing People
Parasitic flies inspire potential revolution in hearing aids
Australian twins with muscular dystrophy enable themselves through 3D printing