It’s like these headlines were plucked right from a sci fi novel! From cancer-detecting bras to bionic pants, there’s no holding back on the potential of technological advancement. Read it all right here (and follow us on Twitter @MDTAP to see ALL the articles we post)! AT in the news for the week of 3/23 thru 3/27
A Wristband that Destroys Cancer Cells
Acrobat DC and Reader DC accessibility update
‘No hands, no problem’: handless gamer dominates ‘League of Legends’
New line of GE stoves designed for visually impaired
Brazilian Creates App to Convey Emotions for Audiovisual Impairments
Myoelectric prosthetic brings bionics closer technology
Assistive technology is a needed tool in the city’s resource-starved schools
NFB Connect App Brings Federation News and Info to your iPhone
Why Force Touch Matters for Accessibility
Bionic Power Trousers Could Help Us Get Up The Stairs
The Best and the Worst of Times for Disability Arts
Robotic Hand Could Help With Stroke Patient Rehabilitation
NY teens impress Obama with inventions for elderly, disabled
Music without barriers: providing easy access for deaf and disabled fans
How a wheelchair challenge mobilized a high school to become more accessible
Local group designs, fits bikes for those with special needs
Forsyth homeschool robotics team invents way for teaching beginner’s braille
Cancer detecting “Smart Bra” uses temperature sensors to detect early signs of breast cancer
Wearing a Necklace of Sound: Access World reviews the Phonak ComPilot for people with hearing loss
Doodle is a plush pal that informs parents about little one’s health patterns
25 Ideas Shaping The Future Of Design
Seattle Art Museum tests rolling telepresence devices to let disabled guests
Kids with learning disabilities harness technology in school