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Mobile Apps for Emergency Preparedness

Contributed by Provi Sharpe, Director of Emergency Management and Equipment Reuse

Although it’s impossible prevent natural disasters from occurring, there are plenty of things we can do to better handle the impact of such events. Organizations both large and small have embraced mobile platforms as vital tools for disseminating important information. This includes advice on how to prepare for an emergency, what to do once that emergency arrives, and how to cope with the aftermath.

Organizations offering emergency preparedness apps include: The Red Cross, which offers several mobile apps for emergency preparedness and FEMA, which offers mobile apps with preparedness information for all different types of disasters

Some very useful emergency preparedness mobile apps include: Hurricane Software offers real-time satellite data, the predicted hurricane path, strike possibilities, wind speeds, and more. Pocket First Aid and CPR, developed by the American Heart Association, includes hundreds of pages of instructions on what to do in emergency situations. ICE Standard is an emergency card app, which lists an individual’s complete medical history, emergency contacts, insurance details, blood type, and more. Disaster Alert app is a listing of ‘Active Hazards’ occurring around the globe. Disaster Prep offers an emergency preparedness checklist and guide.

This is just a short list of the many useful and free apps currently being offered.

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