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It’s a little later in the day than usual for getting these out, but that’s okay. Now you can have some light (and inspirational) reading before bed tonight. Enjoy!

AT in the news for the week of 1/13 – 1/17.

Wheelchair icon revamped by guerrilla art project

Gift of mobility: West Sider helps develop ‘KidWalk’

“A Web for Everyone: Designing Accessible Experiences” is here!

Deaf Seahawks fullback stars in commercial that will give you chills

Accessibility Is The Key To Unlocking Apple’s Future Potential

Printed Eye Cells Could Help Treat Blindness

Projected timing for Section 508 Refresh

Hearing impaired IITian develops ‘Roshni’, an app based indoor navigation for blind

Robots test their own world wide web, dubbed RoboEarth

A new, more economical sonification prototype to assist the blind

Window-Eyes is free to anyone now using Microsoft Office 2010 or later

Why Does User Experience Matter?

A new vision: How one entrepreneur changed his thinking about the blind

Motion-detecting ring allows hands-free control over iPhones

Paving the way for a more accessible television experience

Blind student files discrimination lawsuit against Miami University

Innovative soft robotics technology spawns new products

Robots Test Healthcare Waters in Japan, US

Hand stabilizing utensils – very cool!

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