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AT in the news for the week of 9/9 thru 9/13

New Study Says Obamacare Will Boost Consumer Medical Device Market To $10 Billion

Aphasia patients in Maywood using pen pals to communicate

Giving paralyzed people control and independence

Autism, Horses, iPads: New Alternative Treatment Significantly Improves Verbal Skills In Autistic Children

Hospital to pay $55K for failing to accommodate family members who are deaf

An overview of PDF accessibility on mobile devices

Service Dogs Teach Educators About Disabilities

AT Device: Sprint introduces an accessible phone. The phone has a built-in text to speech engine to read

The FES bicycle can lead to greater mobility! Watch it work!

Hoaloha Robotics’ founder on how robots can serve a growing senior population

When ALS Silences a Voice, Low-Tech Communication Offers Many Advantages

National Down Syndrome Registry Goes Live

Robohand uses 3D printing to replace lost digits

New toy helps students with vision disabilities feel the words

Participate in the G3ict survey: Accessibility of Banks & Financial Institutions

Classroom technology must be accessible to those with disabilities

‘Brain-to-brain interface holds hope for disabled’

Comcast to roll out a talking TV Guide

Digital education shouldn’t bypass disabled

Video Game Ups Cognitive Control in Elderly

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