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Safety from the Summer Heat 

Contributed by Provi Sharpe, Director of Emergency Management & Reuse Projects, MDTAP

The summer is here along with occasionally dangerous heat.  Did you know that people with medical conditions, infants, children and seniors are more prone to extreme heat stress?  Did you know that heat related illness and death are preventable? The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) offer Extreme Heat: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety – a guide of important safety tips.  You can also get information to help you recognize the warning signs of heat related illness.  Know what to do to help people with medical conditions, infants and children and seniors stay safe from the effects of extreme heat stress.

Did you know that there are cooling centers where you can go to get out of the heat?  Find out where your local cooling center is located by checking the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s (DHMH) contact information list of cooling centers throughout the state.  And don’t forget about your service animals.  They are also susceptible to heat related illness.  Here are some hot weather tips from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) to help you keep your service animals safe from extreme heat.

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