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AT in the news for the week of 1/21 – 1/25

Georgia Tech survey: 92% of ppl w/ disabilities use mobile devices

Electric Wheelchair Accessible Car now being manufactured in the US

High-tech home help

‘A newspaper for people with learning disabilities was a lightbulb moment’

Blindy.TV is taking the vision out of  television – Launching a free audio virtual TV network

Innovative solutions can improve physical accessibility on campus

How a Blind Man Used Technology To Conquer the Appalachian Trail

Researchers develop software package that adapts Facebook for visually impaired people

Second-graders receive lesson on how special needs students use technology

Check out the new AT for Employers and Businesses web portal

Amazon buys text-to-speech software company Ivona

ZoomText for Mac is coming soon!

Business, government can span tech divide for people with disabilities

Schools Urged To Make Sports More Inclusive

Reminder Rosie Reduces Medical Errors and Caregiver Stress

Intel working on a new system to boost Stephen Hawking’s typing speed by 10x

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