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AT in the news for the first week of 2013. Exciting stuff!

Walkbot exoskeleton rehabilitates stroke survivors

Wash State School for the Blind wins international recognition for technological innovation

Here’s a list of apps that have empowered the visually impaired in 2012

Making a Colorful Video Game Work for Color Blind Gamers

Researchers in Singapore develop GPS-based app for the blind

Research backs assistive technology to help visually impaired in bio labs

FIFA 13 Awarded Most Accessible Game for Disabled Gamers

Could this rocking chair power source mechanism be adapted to power wheelchairs, other AT?

New York Times for iPhone Updated with Improved Accessibility

“Virtual body technology” lets users walk in someone else’s shoes

“Smart Sock Alerts Parents if Baby Stops Breathing”

iPad applications help Allentown woman communicate in more ways than one

Providing assistive technology in a changing market

Pittsburgh technology center may create robots to fulfill assisted-living needs

2013 technology advances to watch

Tobii REX brings Gaze eye-tracking tech to any Windows 8 machine

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