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Maryland LISS Program: Town Hall

Join Us for a Town Hall on the LISS Program in Maryland – January 29th

The Governor’s FY26 Budget includes a proposed elimination of the Low Intensity Support Services (LISS) Program.

The LISS Program currently serves between 2,000 and 2,500 people with IDD and families a year with small grants (max $2,000 a year) for approved purchases like respite, home modifications to reduce barriers, adaptive equipment, and summer camps. Individuals are eligible for the grant through a lottery and may only access the fund if they do not receive other waiver services.

We are hosting a Virtual Town Hall on Wednesday, January 29th, from 12 to 1:30 PM. It is open to people with IDD and families who receive/have received LISS funds, legislators, members of the administration, the press, and other concerned Marylanders.

Over the course of the Town Hall, we will cover the following:

  • Share information on draft budget details affecting the LISS Program.
  • Get questions from stakeholders answered by the DDA.
  • Collect stories from families on how they use or have used LISS Program funds for critical support.
  • Review an advocacy toolkit with the group to keep the LISS Program intact.


2 Responses to “Virtual Town Hall 1/29: LISS Program Proposed Cut”

  1. Alicia Van Wert says:

    The eventbrite is full, but I’d like to attend. Can you please send me the link?

    • Brittany campbell says:

      I would like to join to advocate for my brother and for my business that clients that Liss has helped families in the past

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