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Contributed by Kristen Klepac 

Accidents happen all the time, but you may be surprised to hear that some of the most severe and even fatal accidents happen within the safety of our own homes. 


In fact, preventable home injuries and fatalities have increased by 320% since 1999 according to the CDC. And for those with disabilities, the risk of home hazards causing an accident is further elevated. Disabilities that affect mobility, vision, hearing, communication, or cognition can amplify the threat of certain home hazards.


The 10 most common causes of fatalities and injures in the home are: 

  1. Poisonings
  2. Falls
  3. Choking
  4. Drowning
  5. Fire
  6. Cuts
  7. Suffocation
  8. Strangulation
  9. Carbon Monoxide
  10. Burns


Being prepared is one of the most important steps in preventing these types of home accidents. While there are many physical modifications that can be made in the home, proper safety planning and prevention practices can further help you avoid such accidents. 


For those living with a disability or with someone who has a disability, here are some tips for staying safe from the most common home hazards:

  • Develop a safety plan, especially for emergency situations like a fire, cut, or burn.
  • Consider installing security cameras in your home.
  • Regularly test safety home detectors and ensure fire extinguishers are operable. 
  • Create rules for the storage of potentially dangerous items related to poisoning dangers, choking, and cuts. This is particularly important for households with children. 


Check out the full Resource Guide to Home Hazards to learn more specific details about preventing each of the most common 10 home hazards to keep you and your loved ones safe.


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