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In September 2023, COVID-19 vaccines began being sold in stores. But don’t worry, most people in the U.S. can still get these vaccines for free if they have health insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid. However, around 25-30 million adults don’t have health insurance, and some people with insurance might have to pay for the COVID-19 vaccine. If this is you, it may be difficult to access the COVID-19 vaccine!

To help, there’s something called the CDC’s Bridge Access Program. It’s like a temporary way to get the COVID-19 vaccine for free. Any adult who is 18 years old or older and doesn’t have health insurance or has insurance that doesn’t cover the vaccine can use this program. The CDC’s Bridge Access Program works with health departments and health centers to give out the vaccine for free. They also have deals with CVS, Walgreens, and eTrueNorth to give out the vaccine at no cost. If you want to find a place to get the vaccine for free through this program, you can go to vaccines.gov.

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