Assistive Technology Lawsuits to Watch
As 2011 draws to a close, TAP would like to note that it was a year that included several important or interesting AT-related lawsuits worth watching. The outcomes of these lawsuits could have a big impact on assistive technology users in the years to come! Over the coming weeks, stay tuned as we explore some of the most significant lawsuits from 2011.
January 2011:
Disability Rights Advocates and the United Spinal Association filed a class action lawsuit against New York City for failing to provide taxis with lifts or other modifications that would make them accessible to persons who use wheelchairs. Of the city’s 13,237 yellow cabs, only 231 are currently accessible. In October 2011, the Department of Justice filed a brief in support of
the lawsuit, suggesting that the federal government is paying close attention to accessible transportation issues. Read more about the lawsuit here: