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Register for the annual spring conference, sponsored by NH-ME LEND, BANDS (Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental Services) at Dartmouth Health, and the Northeast Regional LEND Consortium.

Join the virtual conference:
Monday, May 8, 2023
8:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

An illustration of people in many colors with various icons in their brains.

The conference will focus on two different perspectives of autism: the medical model and the social model. The medical model views autism as a neurodevelopmental disorder that requires medical treatment and recognition, particularly for those with severe forms of autism. The social model considers autism to be a natural variation of human ability and identity that should be celebrated and accommodated like any other identity.



Representative lectures from each viewpoint will be featured, offering insight into their unique approaches and understanding of autism. The lectures will be followed by a moderated panel discussion, during which experts will highlight the strengths and limitations of each perspective and explore potential ways to reconcile these differing viewpoints. 


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