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Speakers Needed!

Independence Now and the Maryland Youth Leadership Forum are hosting Recreating History: A Disability Movement Scavenger Hunt on April 5, 2023 in Washington DC. The scavenger hunt will celebrate significant moments in Disability Rights History that happened in Washington, DC.

Seeking individuals who were present during these events, particularly the 1990 “Capitol Crawl,” to speak to event participants about their experiences.

Lunch will be provided to all participants. If you would like to speak at “Recreating History” or would like to learn more about the event, contact Danielle Bustos at dbustos@innow.org or 240-898.2189.


Recreating History. A Disability Movement Scavenger Hunt. Join us on April 5 in downtown Washington DC for a fun scavenger hunt. Each team will be given a picture of a disability event. The teams must go to find where the event happened. The teams must take a new picture recreating the event. Only 20 spots open. Lunch is provided. Sign up today. Contact Danielle Bustos. 240-898-2189. dbustos@innow.org. United States Capitol Building. Sponsored by SECU. Maryland Youth Leadership Forum.

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