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The National Federation of the Blind administers an accessibility inclusion fellowship program under a non-visual accessibility initiative grant from the State of Maryland.

The Accessibility Inclusion Fellowship is a one-year fellowship awarded by the National Federation of the Blind to three Maryland professors to assist them in integrating accessibility into their curriculum and teaching methods in at least one course. We award $2,000 to an instructor of a University System of Maryland school or a professor of an independent Maryland college, and two awards of $1,500 each to Maryland community college instructors. For more information, visit the Accessibility Inclusion Fellowship Program

How to Apply

Take advantage of this opportunity to start including accessibility concepts in your course offering.

Apply today by submitting the following information via email to mhackert@nfb.org. Applications for the 2023 Accessibility Inclusion Fellowship must be received by December 31, 2022.

  • Name:
  • Professional Title:
  • Name of Your Institution:
  • Email Address:
  • Phone Number:
  • Course Title:
  • Is this a required course, or elective?
  • Cover letter

In addition, please provide copies of your class syllabus, the course description from the college catalog, and two professional references. Please submit your application to mhackert@nfb.org by December 31, 2022.

The National Federation of the Blind administers the Accessibility Inclusion Fellowship program under a non-visual accessibility initiative grant from the State of Maryland.

Your existing course does not need to have an accessibility component. If chosen, the NFB will work with you through our Center of Excellence in Nonvisual Access to enhance your course curriculum to include accessibility concepts by providing consultation and assistance with course instruction.

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