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An image of two simple human figures giving each other a high-five, one orange and using a wheelchair, the other yellow and standing on two legs.Partners in Policymaking (PIP) is a program that prepares adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), parents, and family members of children and adults with IDD to be effective advocates at the local, state, and federal levels. Partners in Policymaking was created in 1987 by the Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities upon their discovery that there was a need for a formal training process, covering best practices in advocacy on a variety of issues for people with IDD.  The Arc Maryland relaunched the program in 2018 with incredible financial and technical support from the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council, and in-kind support from People on the Go of Maryland.

Partners In Policymaking® is about systems change: creating, working towards, and achieving a vision of shared values about people with disabilities. Partners graduates often become lifelong and long-term agents of change in the community.


“Partners in Policymaking gave me more confidence to advocate for myself and others. I also learned who to speak with to get things changed!”  

Dominique Palmer, 2021 Partner’s Graduate


Become a Partner in Policymaking

Applications for the 2021-2022 Partners in Policymaking Class are now open! Apply through the button below by noon on September 29, 2021 for consideration. Applicants selected to participate in the class will be notified by October 2nd.




If you have any further questions, please contact The Arc Maryland at info@thearcmd.org.


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