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New Video Magnifier!

Hey guys!

I wanted to highlight this new super cool video magnifier: The Humanware Connect 12! This has the ability to magnify text that is placed underneath the tablet piece on the grey mat or you can use the distance camera mounted on the right side for looking in any direction you point it! This can help with seeing across the room, or even turning it back around and pointing it at yourself for doing make-up or anything in between. Magnification is not all this device can do either – It also has OCR capabilities (text-to-speech) so it can read aloud text that is presented underneath the camera. This device is very versatile and even has WiFi capabilities to upload documents etc. to the cloud. This device comes equipped and ready to use apps like Dropbox , Google docs, and more. This can be great for individuals of all ages and sizes with varying levels of visual abilities. Can even be helpful for someone who is dyslexic with reading. This device is much easier to carry than some other companies /devices. It folds down nice and compact and has a carrying handle (see image).This is a photograph of the video magnifier. It has the distance camera attached to the right side. The screen has 4 apps up which are: the magnifier app, the "books" app, the calculator app, and the settings app. On the right side of the screen it reads "09:54 24 February 2017." This image depicts the humanware connect 12 collapsed in it's "carry mode." This collapses almost completely flat with a handle appearing at the top for ease when carrying.

Check out their website to find out more here: https://store.humanware.com/hus/connect-12-electronic-magnifier-new-gen-distance-viewing-10x.html

And – as always, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at james.whitney1@maryland.gov or call my office line at 410-554-9276 to find out more info or to potentially receive this device on loan for 30 days!


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