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Accessible Packaging

Hello all,

This week I’ve been really excited about the arrival of the Xbox Adaptive Controller!  However, this post won’t be focusing on that particular adaptive controller it will instead be detailing my experience with Mircrosoft’s use of accessible packaging for the first time ever!

End of shipping box with tab slightly pulled open.

The outer shell of the box was sealed with accessible tape which features an easy-to-open one
handed loop/pull. I was able to open the box using only one hand as the packaging was
intended — very cool!

Side of green box with easy open tab.

Once inside, the Xbox Adaptive Controller had a similar accessible opener – this time in the form
of a transparent double loop. I found the opening of the actual packaging very easy – again still
using only one hand. From my experience, the loop opening system would also be extremely
helpful for individuals with fine motor challenges.
I was excited as I took our first adaptive controller for the current gen consoles for a twirl last
weekend at the World of Possibilities Expo!

Finally, I do commend the Microsoft time for taking
the time to ensure their new product’s packaging is accessible, too.

Thanks for reading,

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