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Contributed by Eric Van Buskirk, Publisher at DOPA

I Write, Therefore I Am: Assistive Technology Bridges The Handwriting Gap

As technology advances, there is help available for those suffering from impairments related to writing. Dyslexia, for example, creates problems for young people learning to write. When others can’t understand what they express with pencil and paper, their broader educational interests may be stifled.  In the context of social communication, writing is even more important than it was 20 years ago. We communicate by text messaging, social media, and email.  Spoken and in person communication is far less common than it was just twenty years ago. New communication driven by keyboards can be more practical for the person with handwriting problems, but keyboards are not the answer for everyone challenged by handwriting.

Click here to read the rest of this blog post to discover 9 AT Tools for People with Dysgraphia.


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