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USSAAC webinar Thursday!! “Preserving Self with Message Banking When Losing Ability to Speak” featuring John Costello -Thursday, November 10, 2016 @ 7:00 PM EST Don’t miss it!

Through case video and presentation, this webinar will detail a model for introducing and implementing “message banking” with a person’s own voice, developed in both a pediatric and adult clinical practice at Boston Children’s Hospital. Implementation of the model for both pediatric short-term AAC system needs and adult permanent AAC system needs will be delineated. In addition, terminology and classification of vocabulary selection will be highlighted.

People with progressive neurodegenerative diseases such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, those with head-neck cancer requiring total glossectomy and total laryngectomy or those with planned hospital procedures requiring intubation or vent dependency may be good candidates for Message Banking in their own voice. Registration is free but limited to 100. ASHA CEUs free to Uss Aac members!


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MDTAP | 2301 Argonne Drive, Room T17 Baltimore, Maryland 21218| Voice: 410-554-9230 Toll Free ⁄ Voice 1-800-832-4827|Email: mdtap@mdtap.org