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Whether it’s little kids, senior citizens, or someone in between, technology (assistive or not) can make the difference between living wholly or simply surviving. Self-tying shoes, self-driving cars, and a whole lot more. AT in the news for the week of 10/3 thru 10/7.

Using virtual reality to help youngsters with autism into work

Fashion is how people express themselves; see how these ppl w/ disabilities are fighting for their self-expression

Son’s dyslexia diagnosis prompts mom’s search for answers

When Taking Robots Global, One Size Does Not Fit All

People with disabilities excited about self-lacing shoes

Technology gets disabled people back on their feet

Wearable diagnostics and self-driving cars signal future of tech in aged care

Gesture-controlled IoT extends freedom for the disabled

SynPhNe – Revolutionizing Stroke Rehabilitation In Patients, Enabling Them For Life

Search for new digital health technologies at NDRC

Designing for Accessibility: The Ultimate in UX

Former Indy Racing driver Sam Schmidt, paralyzed from the neck drives uses his head motions to control the car


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