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Competitors, artists, and makers take the cake this week in the world of assistive technology. Don’t miss out on this weeks AT in the news for 9/12 thru 9/16.

Future of AT for people with disabilities? Brain-Sensing Implant Lets Monkeys Transcribe Shakespeare

This standing ‘wheelchair’ may change the lives of the disabled

Helping workers with disabilities: How technology can make all the difference

Essentials of Digital Accessibility — Campus Technology

4 Online Accessibility Trends in Higher Ed [VIDEO]

PAVE looks like a great tool for PDF accessibility remediation

Denmark’s ‘House Of Memories’ Re-Creates 1950s For Alzheimer’s Patients

World’s first bionic Olympics turns spotlight on tech & disability with brain-powered computer games

Building a Nation of Makers

Exoskeletons allow disabled veterans to stand and walk

Disabilities haven’t hindered these talented artists

iOS upgrade available Tuesday offers more features for people with disabilities

Assistive Technology Users Free Upgrade Still Available for Windows 10

[Video] DIY kits for muscular dystrophy mods to Xbox controllers!

Employers looking to diversify your workforce, we want to hear from you

Reeve Newsletter – Make it an accessible beach day

Capti Narrator is an assistive technology app that allows users to browse the web and add content to a playlist

Create accessible Word documents, Excel workbooks, and more from the Office Accessibility Center

Gov Hogan Announces New Tablet Program for Low-Income Marylanders with Disabilities

Can disabled athletes outcompete able-bodied athletes?

Videos from Research & Training Center on Independent Living

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