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Have you noticed a theme this week? We’ve covered loan closets for durable medical equipment, apps for seniors, and senior-friendly web browsers…well, if you guessed “seniors,” you’re right!!!

This week, MDTAP had the opportunity to provide the plenary session for the 9th Annual Baltimore County Advocacy Conference for seniors and people with disabilities entitled “Building the Future: Meeting the Needs of Seniors and Persons with Disabilities.” Speaking to a room of nearly 200 professionals in the disability and aging services, MDTAP was excited to talk about the future of assistive technology, what exists now, and how technology may change in the future to support greater independence and mobility. Our talk included a review of our own program and services as well as a demonstration of available technology on the market. And of course we talked about some great new technology on the market such as GPS tracking shoes, self balancing walkers, and virtual senior centers (to name a few)!

If you’re interested in learning more or would like a copy of our presentation, please send us an email!

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MDTAP | 2301 Argonne Drive, Room T17 Baltimore, Maryland 21218| Voice: 410-554-9230 Toll Free ⁄ Voice 1-800-832-4827|Email: mdtap@mdtap.org