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Being creative is a powerful thing – like when it leads to new Alzheimers apps developed by 12-year-olds or braille tablets coming market. Get inspired when you catch up on the latest AT news for the week of 8/29/16 thru 9/2/16!

How Accessible Technology Is Moving Into The Mainstream

Is the website you are working on accessible? If not, here are some tips

This new 3D-printing pen draws with wood, copper, and bronze

“The inaccessible web: how we got into this mess”

Hackaday Prize Entry: Open Sip And Puff

A bionics competition for people with disabilities

Maker Hub turns researchers into builders

Endangered Language: How Technology May Replace Braille and Sign

How recycling your old smartphone could change someone’s life

A blind man’s mission to help others find tech jobs attracts Uber

This wristband turns your fingers into a phone

[Video] The Holy Braille tablet could totally change how blind people consume information

The tech helping disabled people dance, run and compete

BrailleEasy app developed by HBKU researchers in Qatar launched on iOS store

12-Year-Old Develops Alzheimer’s App

Exiled Syrian Engineer Designs Wheelchair Upgrade

People for Research boost tech equality with ‘Make the Web Accessible’ campaign

Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation awards Quality of Life grants to 79 nonprofit organizations

Church installs ‘hearing loop’ for clear sound

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