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CrowdViz – Video Streaming Assistant for the Blind

Join us for a live demonstration on August 1, 2016. Noon-1 pm EST 

@ Workforce and Technology Center, Room T-130

2301 Argonne Drive

Baltimore, MD 21218

CrowdViz, an innovative mobile application for both Android and IOS, gives individuals who are blind or visually impaired the ability to immediately connect with a trusted sighted helper through a live video connection. Through remote visual support, CrowdViz empowers people to live as independently as they choose.

CrowdViz aims to push the boundaries in 3 main categories: quality of assistance, availability, and security.

Quality of Assistance: Our assistants go through a strict and carefully selective hiring process based on months of feedback provided from our blind or visually impaired beta testers.

Availability: We provide 24/7 sighted staff availability.

Security: We believe the security of our end users is extremely important. For that reason our assistants undergo careful background checks during the hiring process.

Registration is free but limited to 30 attendees.
To request an accommodation, please email Lori Markland

One Response to “CrowdViz Demo – Register Now! 7/13/16”

  1. I envy u. నన్నయిà°¤ే à°¦ుà°°à°¦్à°°ుà°·్à°Ÿà°®ే పట్à°Ÿిà°ªీà°¡ిà°¸్à°¤ూంà°¦ి. à°Šà°°ిà°•ి à°ˆ à°•ొà°¸ాà°¨ à°‰ంà°¡ిà°ªోబట్à°Ÿి – à°Žà°Ÿూ à°µెà°³్ళలేà°¨ు, à°šూà°¡à°²ేà°¨ు. à°®ంà°šి à°Ÿà°ªా. à°…à°¨్నట్à°Ÿు à°®ీ à°•ేà°®ెà°°ా à°•ూà°¡ా à°šాà°²ా à°¬ాà°µుంà°¦ి.

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