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The news this week has done nothing but slay our hearts. If you don’t want to read any more about it, I don’t blame you. At least the articles below are a testament to the better side of humanity, the ingenuity of our minds, and the compassion of our hearts. This, here, is something to hold on to. AT in the news for the week of 7/4 thru 7/8

Cochlear implants boosted by gene therapy plus tiny LEDs

How Apple made the Watch work for wheelchair users

What to Consider When Looking at Assistive Technology

Air travelers with disabilities hope for more accessible skies

Synthetic Stingray May Lead To A Better Artificial Heart

This team devised a pair of gloves that turn sign language into audible words. Show us your tech and apply now!

Google wants to use artificial intelligence to detect eye diseases and help prevent blindness

5 Amazing Inventions That Are Helping the Visually Impaired

Google’s AI has started training neural networks to recognize the signs of eye disease

The story of how a touch screen helped a paralyzed chimp walk again

UNG, Georgia Tech students join forces to help kids with disabilities

The role of telepresence robotics in workforce inclusion

Camp Grassick’s Techno Camp helps students with disabilities learn about science, technology

Windows 10 Anniversary Update will offer improvements for Assistive Technology users

Microsoft is adding a wheelchair option for its Xbox avatars

Try these expert-approved apps to help your child with learning and attention issues

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