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If you need help processing some emotions, or solving some problems, or telling the color of something or whatever else, there’s a whole lotta apps to help with that. Seriously, just read the headlines below! AT in the news for the week of 6/6 thru 6/10

Choose the Right Electronic Magnifier, Part 1: Identify Your Priorities

Color SlapPs is a free app that tests a child’s ability to receptively identify colors

“Are we blind to the discrimination of visually impaired people in the workplace?”

How to use PowerPoint Online with a screen reader

Welsh Health Board to develop app for brain injury patients

Teachers quizzed about their thoughts regarding technology in classrooms

Why Siri Won’t Listen to Millions of People with Disabilities

How All Students Benefit from Video Transcripts [VIDEO]

Wondering about accessibility the new Microsoft Planner? Here you go!

Tech Connect program brings seniors and people with disabilities together

Welsh Health Board to develop app for brain injury patients

Toys helping parents with disabilities connect with their children

Finding fulfillment in the potential of others

Try these apps to help clients process emotion & solve problems

Virtual Reality Can Make Independence For Disabled People a Reality

Beijing Tracks the Elderly as They Take Buses, Go Shopping

And on the MiMu gloves … the ingenious devices helping disabled musicians to play again

Israeli Startups Get Google Grants to Develop Accessibility Technology for the Disabled

Robots Carry Out Work More Safely With Assistive Technology


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