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The Future of Closed Captioning in Higher Education

Free Webinar: Thursday, May 12th at 2pm ET

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The Future of Closed Captioning in Higher Education

With recent lawsuits, evolving legal requirements, and continuous advancements in technology, the question of closed captioning in higher education is one that is on a lot of people’s minds. What does the future of captioning hold?

In this webinar, Sean Zdenek, author of the book Reading Sounds: Closed Captioned Media and Popular Culture and an Associate Professor at Texas Tech University, will answer exactly that question. Given the legal landscape, he will first focus on the hurdles and challenges of developing an infrastructure for closed captioning at the university level. Sean will then take a closer look at where closed captioning is going, focusing on the likely future requirements for, advancements in, and features of captioning.

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